Are Inefficient Fans Costing You Money?

Industrial fan systems often run inefficiently and can be optimized without replacing the entire system. Fan audits target heavily-throttled, or dampered systems that consume large amounts of energy. Inefficient systems are common at many facilities due to process or system changes, and excess design-safety factors.  Some fans are operated uncontrolled, even though the process in which they operate is variable.

Opportunities for fan optimization often include:

  • Replacing inefficient duct designs
  • Matching fan designs to the process demand
  • Adding controls for variable flow needs
  • Replacing impellers with more efficient blade shapes
  • Moving fans within the system to a lower temperature, cleaner location

AirClean Energy Fan and Blower Efficiency Expertise Pays

Our team has extensive experience in assessing fan and duct system operation, with a proven track record for developing measurable improvements. Most projects deliver a two-year payback on investment.

Recently, AirClean Energy worked with the Tennessee Valley Authority to help a steel mill achieve significant energy savings. The biggest opportunity was retrofitting four, 2,750-horsepower fans that motivate particulate-laden gas from the plant’s furnace to a baghouse for air-pollution control. The facility was able to reduce its total energy usage by 25,000,000 kWh, enough to power 2,000 average TVA homes. This upgrade earned the mill an incentive check for over $2.5 million from the TVA.